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Reporting is missing items

Officially Answered



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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Alexander,

    Thank you for reaching out to us with this. Could you please share your widget definition in order for us to check how it is configured?

    Best regards,

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    Alexander Romanenko

    Thanks for reply!

    Exported definition:

    {"type":"FlatTable","id":"","query":"$filter=TrackedItself gt 0&$orderby=TrackedItself desc&$top=10","odataVersion":"v3.0","endpoint":"workItems","title":"New Chart","subTitle":null,"w":4,"h":3,"columns":[{"field":"System_Id","title":"ID","formatter":"WorkItemId","width":60},{"field":["System_Title","System_WorkItemType","System_TeamProject"],"title":"Title","formatter":"WorkItemIndicator","width":-100},{"field":"TrackedItself","title":"Tracked","width":100,"formatter":"TimeLength"}],"autoSubtitle":false,"timeframeFilter":null,"y":0,"x":0}

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Alexander,

    Thank you. Are you using any filters on the Reporting Dashboard? The widget works fine on our end, and I can see on your Timesheet page screenshot that the Current Project filter is not enabled, so all items are shown. If you are using a Project filter on the Reporting Dashboard, this could be why you are seeing only a part of the work items.
    Please let me know.

    Best regards,

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    Alexander Romanenko

    There are no filters or pre-filters, just a default widget with time range.

    It feels like somekind of "intermitent" issue, as all of items since 19th April to today are displayed correctly. Another time items were missing I think was back in February. Anything else I can do to help find the problem?

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Alexander,

    Can you please provide me with a screenshot of the reporting page where the widget is, but with the whole top of the page visible?

    Kind regards,

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    Alexander Romanenko



    And might as well do this one too:

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Alexander,

    Please try the following definition:

    {"type":"FlatTable","id":"","query":"$filter=TrackedItself gt 0&$orderby=TrackedItself","odataVersion":"v3.0","endpoint":"workItems","title":"New Chart","subTitle":null,"w":4,"h":3,"columns":[{"field":"System_Id","title":"ID","formatter":"WorkItemId","width":60},{"field":["System_Title","System_WorkItemType","System_TeamProject"],"title":"Title","formatter":"WorkItemIndicator","width":-100},{"field":"TrackedItself","title":"Tracked","width":100,"formatter":"TimeLength"}],"autoSubtitle":false,"timeframeFilter":null,"y":53,"x":0}

    Best regards,

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    Alexander Romanenko

    That worked!

    I see original definition had $top=10 , which would of course truncate results. Did not notice it in default definition. Thank you.

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