Hello there!
I've created some reports to know how many hours my team is spending on each project we're working on (based on azure tags fields) like this:
$apply=filter(contains(CustomStringField1, 'TOTEM 4.1.0') and contains(CustomStringField1, 'HMLG'))/aggregate(TrackedItself with sum as PeriodLength)&customFields=System.Tags
however, I was seeing the OData docs and it's still cloudy in my mind if is it possible to create a simple indicator of average speed (total of time spent / total work itens retrieved by the query).
Is it possible to have this average speed using the reports odata query?
thanks a lot
Hi Giovani,
Thank-you for reaching out. Our APIs do support mathematical operations, you can find more information here.
This should help you with what you are trying to achieve, however should you have any more questions don't hesitate to reach out again!
Kind Regards,
Product Owner - www.7pace.com
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