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Android client doesn't work after DevOps update



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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Michael,


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Can you please let me know if you are also experiencing issues with the Timetracker web app, or are you only experiencing problems with the android app?

    Could you please try opening DevOps in your phone browser and navigating to Timetracker to confirm that is works without issue?

    Also, have you tried logging out of the Timetracker android app and logging back in?


    Best regards,

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    Michael Voigt

    Hello Vanja,

    I have only problems with the android app. Timetracker web app works fine with execption of issue https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360075773891-timetracker-client-is-not-synchronous.

    Using DevOps and Timetracker in in phone browser is possible and works fine:

    I also have tried logging out of the Timetracker android app and logging back in.

    Best regards,


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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Michael,

    I have created ticket #24097 for us to further investigate the issue.
    Let's move our communication to the ticket please.

    Best regards,

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