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Sudden error message: This set of parameters is not allowed on WorkItemHierarchy-Report

Officially Answered



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    Vanja Pletikosić


    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    Calculating these fields - "TrackedItself", "TrackedTotal", "TrackedItselfBillable", "TrackedTotalBillable" - is a heavy operation, so retrieving them can take a considerable amount of time.

    If a user runs a query that returns the first 100 rows ordered by TrackedItself field. Only 100 rows are requested, but the application has to calculate TrackedItself for the whole organization's work items based on all worklogs that were ever tracked to just sort them.

    Right now, it is impossible to sort or filter by a calculated field based on all data for all times. If such a filter or order is added to a query, then using the worklogsFilter becomes required to limit the number of worklogs for calculation, and this is what we suggest that you use. You can learn more about the worklogsFilter here.


    Here are some examples:

    // this query is allowed because it doesn't use sorting or filtering by a calculated field
    https://your_org_name.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workitems?$select=System_Id,System_WorkItemType,TrackedItself&$filter=System_TeamProject eq 'My project'

    // following queries will throw an exception
    // because worklogsFilter is not used and values are calculated basing on all worklogs
    https://your_org_name.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workitems?$select=System_Id,System_WorkItemType,System_TeamProject,TrackedItself&$filter=System_TeamProject eq 'My project'&$orderby=TrackedItself desc
    https://your_org_name.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workitems?$select=System_Id,System_WorkItemType,System_TeamProject,TrackedItself&$filter=System_TeamProject eq 'My project' and TrackedItself ge 3600

    // these queries are allowed -
    // although they use filtering or sorting by a calculated field
    // those calculations are based on worklogs filered by dates,
    // so TrackedItself would contain sums of worklogs from a specified month only
    https://your_org_name.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workitems?$select=System_Id,System_WorkItemType,System_TeamProject,TrackedItself&$filter=System_TeamProject eq 'My project'&$orderby=TrackedItself desc&worklogsFilter=Timestamp ge 2020-10-01 and Timestamp lt 2020-11-01
    https://your_org_name.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workitems?$select=System_Id,System_WorkItemType,System_TeamProject,TrackedItself&$filter=System_TeamProject eq 'My project' and TrackedItself ge 3600&worklogsFilter=Timestamp ge 2020-10-01 and Timestamp lt 2020-11-01


    Best regards,

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    Dieter Probst

    Hello Vanja,

    thank you very much for your response. Sorting it by TrackedTotal was more of an accident, than a requirement. I did change the sort order to system_ID and now it is working again. Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards,


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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hi Dieter,

    You are very welcome, great to hear that it is working again. Thank you for letting us know.

    Best regards,

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