Feature Request for Approval Page Ability to Allocate Team Members to Specific Managers for Time Approval
ImplementedTime Approval – I understand that I can set the role that can approve time and go into the user management and give that person the defined role, but I want the ability to allocate certain people to one person for approval. As it stands, each manager would need to click through each entry to see if that person reports to him/her in order to approve their time. Our technology team > 100 staff and managers do not have time to click on each time row to see if it is a person they manage or not. I would think that if I have a person that has a role of “Team” and we designate that role to approve time, when that person logs in, they would only see the time that they would need to approve for their staff.
Hi Paul,
It is implemented in 4.27 release, you can check details in the blog post here https://www.7pace.com/blog/set-and-assign-approval-managers-in-release-4-27 and in release notes here: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027333092-7pace-Timetracker-for-DevOps-Server-DevOps-Services-4-27-0-2019-04-25
Thank you for the feedback!
Maxim Lutsan
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