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Searching work items when using the monthly view to track time can be very painful




  • Official comment
    Nicole Tropper

    Hi everyone,

    We recently introduced search filters to the Add Time Dialog which makes it possible to filter work items based on the item type, the state or the project. 

    On top of that, it is also possible to set these filters on a global level from an admin. This can come in handy when encouraging company-wide tracking rules (e.g. only tracking on tasks).

    Read everything you need to know about it in our blog posts:  



    Of course we want to continue to improve these features to make it more powerful to use, so we would appreciate your feedback! Leave a comment or set up a session with us!

    All the best, Nici 

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    Andrea Moro

    Hi again Jim,

    the reason you are seeing the results displayed in that order is that we apply the default search logic of the DevOps API. This is to ensure that results are displayed consistently across the board (both inside and outside the 7pace integration). That being said this is something we could look into changing if enough customers share this feedback.

    As an interim solution, you could consider using the Devops built-in shortcuts / keyboards. I'll leave a link to the documentation here for reference.

    Kind Regards

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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