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API call stopped working

Officially Answered



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    7pace tech support

    Hi Niclas!

    Most probably your OData token has expired.
    Could you please generate a new one (Time->Settings->API), apply it to you reporting query and check if it will help?

    Kind regards,


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    Niclas Werneborn

    Hi Andarth,

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Actually, the token won't expire until November 2019. Nevertheless, I have tried to create a new one. Unfortunately the application won't let me, however, since I have now started to receive the authorization request message again and when trying to authorize I get the error message  "Provided token is not working with current account".

    I have tried authorizing using both Chrome and Edge but still receive the same message. Any ideas?


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    Hello Niclas,

    Could you please check this article describing how you could solve your token issue?



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    Niclas Werneborn

    Hi Alexander,

    I have followed the instructions in the link and found that the proper directory is selected.

    I am remember having had a similar issue when we first installed timetracker, but then I was able to resolve it by using Edge instead of Chrome. That didn't work this time.

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    That is weird. Could you please try to sign out on the Me page and sign in back then. Here is link to the Me page



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    Niclas Werneborn

    Issue resolved.

    The issue was indeed related to the directory selection somehow. I switched to my 2nd directory, and then back again to the correct one, and I was then able to authorize the application.

    Using the new token the API connection started working again.

    Thanks again for the quick responses, much appreciated!

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    7pace tech support

    Thanks for your update!


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