We have a new issue, when we consult the time for a parent we show only time tracked on this workitem and can't see the time tracked on child.
we must delete the link ( between child and parent) and create it another time.
on tIme :
Hi Meher,
What version of Timetracker are you currently using? If you're using Timetracker for DevOps Services cloud, you will be up-to-date automatcially. If you are using Timetracker for DevOps Services on-prem, please update to our latest version (if you are on a version earlier than 5.11) from www.7pace.com/download and then restart reporting from the "Settings" page of Timetracker -> Reporting and API.
If you're on-prem, pease also check that the Service Account is set in the Timetracker configuration tool and that the Service account user is a project collection admin. You can find more information on that here: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030460652-Settings-Reporting-and-API-Service-Account#On-prem
Thank you,
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