[Work Item Automation] Set WI as "In Progress" when I add a time
Officially AnsweredOftentimes we see users adding time entries to work items sitting in the "New" state.
It would be great to have an option in the Work Item Automation section to let me ask for work items to be moved to a given state (or to the first state in the "In Progress" state category) once a time entry is added.
Official comment
Hello Igor,
this is Roman, Product Owner @ 7pace. We already have a similar feature request; I recommend upvoting the request to increase the chances of it being implemented. I will close this thread as 'officially answered' so as the votes are not spread among multiple feature requests.
For us to better understand the requirement, would you mind answering the following questions/comments?
- Does your company use multiple 'In Progress' states or only one? If we develop the automation, we should also have the 'next state' configurable, would you agree?
- Are there certain roles or activity types in your company for which you do not want to move the work item to In Progress? E.g. product owner moving the item to the backlog, developers providing effort estimates...
All the best,
RomanComment actions -
Oh @Roman, BTW: shouldn't that feature request be tagged as "Gathering Feedback" instead of "Officially Answered"?
The way I see it, "Officially Answered" sounds like "Won´t Do / By Design", and it should be considered closed.
I, for one, wouldn't feel compelled to interact with an issue marked as "Officially Answered". OTOH, "Gathering Feedback" conveys the proper idea to me.
Just my two cents...
Hello Igor,
Thank you for the answers, I will check them and comment them in the respective feature request later on.
You are absolutely right about the status, 'Officially answered' was not correct, so I just changed it. Thank you for the notification!
Regarding the age of the issue, it is fair to say that we do not have any estimated time of delivery for it. :-( But at the same time, we are working on consolidating and re-evaluating all feedback during this summer, so the most upvoted features will really get a second chance, no matter how old they are. We picked up two old issues and implemented them recently - Approval to the future and Setting up billable on worklog level. So there is always hope. :-) We will keep the community posted.
All the best,
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